Monday, December 17, 2007

Week 6: #13 Tagging and Web 2.0

I've added myself to the 854 folks who've saved Meez ( and bookmarked it under tags such as avatars. It was a pretty painless process to do this and to set up my account.

I like the concept of having a kind of universal bookmark that you can go to regardless of which computer environment you're in. I've bookmarked websites in the past and tried to call them up only to realize I must have bookmarked them at home or work or wherever I'm not at the time. This tool will be a great help to me.

I guess the reason this tool is catching on so quickly is the quick access to bookmarks, the research aspects and the social networking aspects. I would most likely use it for the research purposes and the quick access to bookmarks; however, I'm sure lots of folks are using it for the social networking benefits.
It's fun to see there are other folks who think like you do.

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