Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The onramp to blogville

I can't believe I'm going finally going to be on the information superhighway!!! I feel like I've been creeping toward the onramp like I creeped along when I first learned to drive a car! As you might have guessed - I've never been as much of a computer/techie/Internet enthusiast as some folks. Sure, I've been using the various search engines for over a decade and I've gone through countless email accounts (it's not always easy to remember to delete all those messages in a timely fashion!); but I've never really focused on learning about all the features and tools that are out there. I hope this iHCPL Learning Experience will introduce me to at least a few new basic Internet tools.

I can still remember how amazed I was when I first heard about the "Internet" at a library workshop back in 1994. At that time, I was just thrilled to think I could use the Internet to look up information or articles on some topic I wanted to know about. I heard the instructor mention its use with email, but I didn't think I'd be needing that too much. I never could have imagined I'd wind up going through several email accounts and other computer accounts with more usernames and passwords than ENIAC probably processed! It is truly amazing how the Internet through email, blogs, personal webpages, IM, RSS feeds, wikis, podcasts, etc. have impacted the world in just a few short years!